ZaNiheza: A New Way Forward

On January 7th 2024, we reluctantly shared the news on our social media that our startup would be closing its doors. The outpouring of support and encouragement from our global community has been overwhelming, and it has deeply resonated with us.

After much reflection and consideration of your heartfelt sentiments, we’ve decided to take a new direction. While our founder’s vision for an Afrocentric platform for immersive experiences remains close to our hearts, we’ve decided to put that dream on hold temporarily.

Instead, we are thrilled to share that our attention will now be dedicated to offering exclusive tours in carefully chosen destinations. This choice is grounded in our dedication to delivering genuine and memorable experiences, all the while contributing to the creation of employment.

We would like to invite anyone located in Canada to support us by expressing an interest to invest in ZaNiheza (Equity Crowdfunding). For a minimum of $100, you can be part of a community that will create an everlasting legacy in tourism in Africa and beyond. You can read more by clicking on the button at the bottom. 

We’re grateful for your unwavering support and look forward to this new chapter. Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this exciting adventure.

Thank you

Charles Shima

Founder/Chief Storyteller