(Originally published on July 4th, 2020)

Rwanda is a beautiful country. Or at least, so I’ve heard. As the child of Charles Shima, founder, and CEO of ZaNiheza, I would like to go to Rwanda, the country where my father was raised, the country which my father returned to after 24 years, the country I have heard of in stories and seen in pictures. I want to eat food. See the sights. Embrace the culture. I mean, Rwanda is like a tiny little treasure trove of culture, right in the middle of Africa, awaiting attention. I think ZaNiheza will help dig up this treasure and show it to the world.

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Photo Credit : Visit Rwanda

My father always talks about Rwanda. He jokes that when I go to Rwanda, I will milk cows and fetch water. To be honest, that sounds kind of fun. Rwanda is the kind of country where it is so small that you can check out sights in the west of Rwanda in the morning and see the sights in the east of Rwanda in the evening and still have time for breaks!

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Photo Credit: Visit Rwanda

Rwanda is one of my favourite countries. That being said, I have not been to Rwanda and I wish to go when COVID-19 is over. I absolutely cannot wait. With ZaNiheza, we will discover the essence of Rwanda together. We cannot wait to see you in Rwanda.

On that note, so many have been wondering how they can make “A black lives matter.” It can be through a donation or an “I stand with you.” At ZaNiheza, we have not forgotten to make the lives of our employees matter. Yes, we are a cultural tour operator start-up. Two things that are nearly impossible to survive being considering the status quo. We are a blacked owned business and a tour operator with closed borders worldwide, and a start-up during the global economic crisis.

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Charles Shima, Founder and CEO Of ZaNiheza